The Monkeys' Fast

The Monkeys' Fast

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The Monkeys in the jungle love to eat. Mama Chief thinks they should learn to control their eating habits. So, she tells everyone to go on a fast for one day. Will that be possible? Can the monkeys stop eating for one whole day? Read the comic and find out! Comics are an easy start to reading. 




Mohiuddin Khan loves The Monkeys' Fast from The Monkeys' Fast
P SARAVANARAM commented on The Monkeys' Fast from The Monkeys' Fast: this story is on our new year resolutions
Drsachin Devagirikar rated on The Monkeys' Fast from The Monkeys' Fast

Devanshi Panchal commented on The Monkeys' Fast from The Monkeys' Fast: Very funny and interesting =
Naveen Dulam commented on The Monkeys' Fast from The Monkeys' Fast: Funny story