The Green Demon

The Green Demon


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A young man wanders into a village to find that pandemonium prevails because a demon has been spied in the fields. When Timma the fowler finds a talking parrot in his net, he does not realise that his strange adventures have just begun. Bhola sets free the king of sparrows and is given a rich reward ??? a cow that drops golden dung! When the cow is stolen, Bhola is too innocent to realise that his own daughter is the thief. India has a rich vein of folk-tales, passed down from one generation to the next. These tales feature ordinary people in ridiculous situations ??? farmers, simpletons, greedy people, nagging spouses ??? where compassion, wisdom and wit always triumph.




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Archit Tejpaul rated on The Green Demon from The Green Demon

very good book
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